Who is winning the Internet security wars?

Good Side: 26.61% (818)

Bad Side: 45.32% (1 393)

Stalemate: 28.07% (863)

Total Votes: 3 074


Bad side appears to be winning, sadly.
Every day I hear yet another horror story
of someone getting cracked and robbed,
or cyber-stalked.

My understanding is that many Internet
villains are very easily able to hide
themselves away, so there rarely seems
to be any consequences for their criminal
Their victims suffer, and feel both
helpless and hopeless, because these
people never get to answer for their bad

I'm hoping one day some technical genius
will come up with an Internet version of
DNA evidence. I've had family and friends
traumatized by online criminals, and it's
certainly made me more paranoid and far
less trusting of the web.

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