Who is winning the Internet security wars?

Good Side: 26.61% (818)

Bad Side: 45.32% (1 393)

Stalemate: 28.07% (863)

Total Votes: 3 074


We'll always be a step behind.
Even the most secure places are
vulnerable. Fort Knox included.

Looking at the Internet, it's not
untrue to say more than half of all
its users are not IT-savvy and have
no idea of the dangers lurking about.
The bad guys will always find ways to
prey on such unsuspecting individuals.

We can't get rid of Internet crime,
just like we can't eradicate crime
in the real world. Unsurprisingly,
in both instances, big money is at

The situation might be different if we
introduced total governmental control and
surveillance of the net, but such a prospect
is grossly undesirable.

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